Adams County ARES Resource Page




During an emergency is not the time to brush up on or learn new skills. There is no substitute for training and practice. 


ARES nets

Adams County Training Net

    Every Wednesday, 6:45 PM local time on the 147.63/.03 (103.5 tone) repeater. If 147.030 is unavailable,     146.34/.94 (123.0 tone) is to be used. After the net on 147.030 has completed, it will move to either 146.940 or 443.900 and checkins will be taken there.

ARES HF nets

    SSB - Every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 4:30 PM local time, 3.905 MHz LSB. Checkins are taken by district and               county. Alternate frequencies are 7.230 and 5.4035 MHz. All Illinois ARES members are encouraged to               check in, follow net control operator intructions.

    Digital - Every 2nd Sunday . Format varied from a a directed digital net to a simple message exercise.


ARES Frequencies used locally

Primary VHF repeater

    147.030 repeater for nets, training, emergency or otherwise. +.600 offset, uses 103.5 PL tone to access.      Located on the KHQA TV tower. Antenna is at 535 feet AGL. Range is roughly 60 miles for the average      mobile station. It, along with all repeaters at KHQA, has emergency generator power.

Secondary VHF repeater

    146.940 backup for 147.030, has emergency power. -.600 offset, uses 123.0 PL tone to access. Located on the     WGEM TV tower, antenna height 200 feet AGL. Range is roughly 45 miles and has a definte null to the west.     The 146.94 repeater is also used by the Adams County EMA for severe weather and other emergencies.  

D-STAR repeater

    147.195 and 441.89375 MHz D-STAR. The reason for mentioning the D-STAR system is it can easily be linked to W9DUA in Springfield which can be monitored by the state RACES station, NC9IL.

UHF Repeaters

    443.900, +5 MHz offset, 103.5 PL tone, on emergency power. Coverage is a 30 mile radious from Quincy.

    441.89375 MHz D-STAR +5 MHz offset


Simplex frequencies

Primary VHF Simplex

    146.490 simplex. This will be the main simplex frequency for use in Adams County for ARES use.

Secondary VHF Simplex

    147.480 Secondary simplex frequency for Adams County ARES use.

Primary UHF Simplex

    446.475 Simplex

Secondary UHF Simplex

    446.100 (recomemnded for simplex use during river flooding when Red Cross is involved).


Packet Radio

145.610 coordinated by the Illinois Repeater Association for RACES and ARES Winlink 2000 (RMS Packet) digipeater and gateway stations, emergency use only. RMS packet/gateway station NG9R-10 is on 145.610. The Adams County EMA will soon have an RMS Gateway/digipeater in 145.610 that should provide coverage to all of Adams County as well as parts of mahy surrounding counties. You can download RMS Express here

There is still some limited APRS packet activity on 144.390, but nothing in the way of local digipeaters or gateways.


Public Service frequencies

    Quincy Police Department 155.625

    All Fire Departmetns inside Adams County, including Quincy FD 154.310

    Adams County Sherriff 155.745

    Adams County EMA 151.235



ARES people you need to know

Robert Littler, W9DSR, ARRL SEC for Illinois w9dsr at

Danny Pease NG9R Adams County Emergency Coordiantor (EC), Illinois ARES District 6 District Emergency Coordinator (DEC) dpeaseat



Local EMA

John Simon N9TMM, Adams County EMA Director

Roger Huner, KC9KZW, Adams County EMA Training officer

Don Cole, ND9U, Adams County EMA Radio Officer (acting)


ARES links

AUXCOMM Field Operating Guide

AUXCOMM class overview 


ARES Files

ARES manual












Go kits

ICS213 modified ARES

Training net preamble

Emergency Exercise preamble

Emergency net preamble


Other Emergency Preparedness Sites

ILDOT road conditions

Adams County EMA

Adams County Emergency Operations Plan

Adams County Chapter of the Red Cross



National Weather Service Field Spotter Guide

Weather Spotters Field Guide



page last updated 5/121/2015

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